Saturday, April 27, 2019

Engineering Disasters Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Engineering Disasters - Assignment ExampleInvestigations unearthed this with a number of recommendations being made to the FAA and the ATA. The disaster led to establishment of measures and guidelines to improve safety of aircrafts and swirlengers. The disaster had a great impact on material engineer with a resounding need to ensure fitting composition and quality of products so as to ensure safety of the users. Table of contents Table of Contents 3 Introduction 4 1.Background tuition 5 2.Investigation 6 2.1.The NTSB Team 6 2.2.The public auditory sense 6 2.3.The Process 7 3.Findings and recommendations 7 3.1.Findings of the commission 7 3.2.Probable cause of the accident 8 3.3.Future precautions recommended 9 3.3.1.To the federal Aviation Administration 9 3.3.2.Air Transport Association 10 3.3.3.Other recommendations of the commission 10 4.Impact on Engineering Practice 11 4.1.Regulations or laws instituted 11 4.2.Areas of Engineering impacted 12 Works Cited 15 Introduction Di sasters have continued to take place throughout history. Many of these are natural however, several(prenominal) are human made. Disasters may or may not be avoided depending on the situation at hand. Most natural disasters cannot be avoided and happen as a result of natural forces operating within the environment (Stoltman, Lidstone and DeChano 25). Such is the case with floods, hurricanes and droughts. It is not possible to control natural disasters or to prevent them from casualty as they cannot be predicted. They happen when the conditions are fit for them to happen with little or no warning. The resulting emergence is a devastating effect on humans and the environment as a whole. Manmade disasters on the other hand are caused by the activities of the human population on the environment. Each and every activity in the environment has the potential of creating a disaster. The magnitude may be different. Many of the worlds noted disasters are engineering disasters which has a ffected millions of state or sections of the world (Alexander 40). They happen because of faults or errors that happen during engineering processes which may have not been seen during the process. They are similarly made worse by the ignorance of some of the engineers and also because of the assumptions that are usually made assuming that the situation will correct itself with time. The result has been loss of lives, property, finances, decamp of efforts, and damage to the environment (Tierney, Lindell and Perry 23). This paper analyses the flying 232 disaster in American aviation history. 1. Background information Flight 232 disaster is one of the most discussed disasters in the world due to the nature of the incidence and how the junto members handled the incidence to prevent the loss of lives. The flight 232 Airline was a flight headed to Philadelphia international airport. The flight was to pass through Denver, Colorado and then OHare International airport before moving to its last(a) destination (Kilroy). The plane is recorded to have crashed while on route to its destination as a result of the failure of its tail mounted engine. This failure resulted in the loss of the all flight controls disconnecting the flight from any control tower. The plane had to thus make an emergency landing that resulted in the crash. The plane was carrying 285 people on board. There were 11 crew members, 172 people were injured, and 111 had fatal injuries that resulted in death, while a

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